Monday, January 23, 2012


                                                                                 WEEK #2                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 Today was the start of week 2, The picture I took was after my workout today.This morning I weighed myself and I lost 3lbs according to our scale. I started P90X at 211 lbs, Now the scale said I was 208 lbs. I don't think my face picture is showing any signs of change yet, and I didn't think that it would not after only a week. The biggest thing that I keep telling myself these last few day's is CHEW LIKE A COW, SO I DON'T LOOK LIKE ONE. When I'm eating, before I swallow the food it should have been chewed on both sides of my mouth. Also, I make sure the food is not in the same form that it was when it went into my mouth. When I do this, I fill up with less food than I used to. Oh, and Mom, here is a picture of me smiling, because YES it is a lot of fun working out and becoming more fit.           


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