Sunday, January 22, 2012

Week #1 of P90X

       Day 1 of P90X (classic version) was started Monday January 16th. Now I'm posting at the end of week 1. These pictures are some of the pictures I took as the program suggested when starting P90X. Yup, week one is over all I can say is, WOW. I shouldn't be surprised, this is attempt #2 with P90X. The last time, I finished just over 2 months of this extreme work out, during which I shed 15 lbs. It was noticed by friends, family and co-workers.
       Well, all the hard work that I was doing was interrupted when we traveled downstate to my brother's wedding. I told myself that I get one week off, and when I get back I would get right back on it. WELL, that didn't work. During that week off, I fell back into almost every bad habit that I thought I was done with. I picked up chewing tobacco, Taco bell, going for seconds, drinking pop, and eating after 7:00pm. I decided to CHANGE, but I truly did NOT COMMIT TO IT.
        Now, it was time to make a decision, do I want to continue down this road, gaining weight and increasing my risk of lip or mouth cancer? On the way back from spending time with family on Thanksgiving I decided that right then I was done with snuff, and fat! So after some procrastination and the Christmas Holiday, P90X arrived in the mail. (My sister wanted her old copy back, so I need my own.) Monday, January 16th, I started P90X for what is now the second time. I am a week in and the only result I can comment about is that my energy level is increasing. Also this time I am trying a couple of different things, I'm taking a sport muti-vitamin pack from GNC along with their "Amplified Wheybolic Extreme 60" dietary drink. I'm going to try and keep a weekly post and face picture to document my successes and failures while I'm getting in the best shape of my life.

1 comment:

Amanda Kay said...

Good for you Jeff! We will be watching so now you have to keep up!