Thursday, January 24, 2013

I’m Going to be a Beekeeper

If you know me at all you know that I am excited to raise bees this summer. Last night I went to the Superior Beekeeping Club’s 101 class for beginners. If you don’t know me, I haven’t raised bees yet. Next summer will be my first season. What does beekeeping have to do with this fitness blog? As I have become more interested in my health I have also begun to care more about how I eat. Last year I went to the same class and I learned that honey bees are disappearing. They are calling this phenomenon “colony collapse disorder.” This concerned me because honey bees are responsible for pollinating 1/3 of our food supply. This 1/3 is all the healthy stuff

like vegetables and fruit. Without bees these plants could not be pollinated. Researchers believe that the massive amounts of pesticides conventional farms put on our food might be killing the bees. The pesticides and the disappearing bees are not the only reason I am going t o become a beekeeper. I think that bees are very interesting and would be a cool pet. Over the summer I have been to bee club events and helped handle bees. The more I was around the bee hives the more I wanted one for myself. Its time to start building my hives, the bees will arrive in the mail in April.

photo source; UP Michigan Bees

1 comment:

~ Jennifer J. said...

Crazy that you posted this today of all days! Abram was telling me, this afternoon, that he'd like to have bees some day and it made me think of you. I was just thinking about you - wondering if you got started with the bees yet or not. (I know next to nothing about bee keeping, so I didn't know if you got them at the end of summer or not.)

He wants bees so we can have a humungous supply of honey around here since he loves our local raw honey so much.

April will be here before you know it!

~ J